Course Fees & Training Periods 2017/ 2018
The costs of becoming a gas engineer are relative to your entry level and existing skill set. To best account for this gas training costs have been split into 3 Entry Categories.
Trades Crossover - From £3,890.00
This option is ideal for existing experienced and qualified plumbers, electricians, heating engineers, electrical appliance maintenance technicians, ventilation and air conditioning installers. These trades offer the most transferable skills and act as a foundation to becoming a gas registered engineer. The training period and syllabus is focused on building on the existing skill set. The course is more concise and directed at the principles and technology not yet learned. The price quoted includes for on and off the job training, work experience/portfolio, and acs assessments.
Up Skill to Gas - From £4,890.00
This option best suits individuals with existing hands on experience but no formal qualifications in gas, plumbing, heating or DIY. This training option is ideal for those with hands on experience in related trades and who are confident workers. The course is longer and more thorough than the crossover to allow entrants to fully absorb the key components and advance competently to this new skill set.
Complete Novice - £6,900 .00 - Currently on Hold
We have suspended our complete novice program until the new training requirements have been established for at least 6 months. We can however assist with course placements with our training partners throughout the UK, so please feel free to contact us for best advise and prices.
Duration of Training
Becoming a gas engineer is much akin to learning to drive or fly. It is an 'ASSESSED' Industry where you have to demonstrate 100% competence. Some people learn quicker than others, so ultimately the training period is set by YOU. There are however minimum requirements that must be met. The guidelines for on and off the job training range from 150 hours to over 400 hours. Those students able to complete all the training and demonstrate competence quicker will not be penalised and can complete in a shorter period of time.
CTSGroup - Gas register: 229998 - National Call Centre - 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, G24JR
Tel: 01413541545 E: [email protected]
Copyright CTSGroup © 2016
Tel: 01413541545 E: [email protected]
Copyright CTSGroup © 2016